We are now called Kids Alive International!

Ever since we came into existence in 2011, Hope for Kids International (our old name) has been the UK partner of the Kids Alive family, a wonderful Christian global mission with a base in the USA and several overseas partners such as Kids Alive Lebanon, Kids Alive Zambia and Kids Alive Kenya.
The family aims to follow God's calling to serve some of the world’s most vulnerable children, of all faiths and none. Strictly speaking we are an independent registered UK charity, but in reality we are the same organisation with the same values, aims and Christian focus. We are extremely proud of this - and as an opportunity has arisen to enable us to take the same name, we are now also called Kids Alive International from October 1st 2021.
The Kids Alive family has been rescuing vulnerable children and orphans for over 100 years now and currently serves more than 5,000 of them across about 40 projects in a number of developing countries. From vulnerable Syrian refugee children in Lebanon - impoverished and abandoned children in Zambia - to abused girls in Peru and Guatemala - our aims are the same for all of them.

We are especially proud of our US-based family member, Kids Alive International, which oversees our project work and helps to raise prayer and financial support from its wonderful base of supporters. That's why we don't want to support or work with any other organisation or family of charities. And it’s not only us that think they’re great. Charity Navigator, a US independent charity evaluator, has given them top rankings for a number of consecutive years now. Their latest approval rating was 99.51 out of 100!
We would like to recognise and thank a legal practice called Bates Wells, which has given us some excellent support and advice to enable us to change our name.
"Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind." Philippians 2: 1-2
Posted on October 1st 2021