
We run Christian schools, typically in areas of high poverty where students would otherwise not have an education (they can’t afford the school fees or uniforms to get into the state schools). Crucially, we also provide food, which in many cases is the only food the child will get. Many of our schools are instituting trauma-informed education.


Type of work

Type of Project

Ministry Site

10 products found
Hall Mead School
Family Support, Education, Trauma informed care, Basic medical care, Community outreach
Hall Mead School

Hall Mead provides an outstanding education to about 570 impoverished children in one of Kenya's most fragile regions. Many have lost at least one parent. 25% of the pupils are HIV positive. Girls are especially at risk of child marriage and all are at risk of child labour, typically having to work in the local quarries.

The Mongu Kids Alive Academy
Family Support, Education, Trauma informed care, Community outreach
Kids Alive Academy

This wonderful school provides a great education to 525 of the most vulnerable children in the impoverished Mongu region of Western Province, where girls are especially vulnerable and where there is negligible investment in education,

Haiti Kids Alive School
Family Support, Education, Trauma informed care, Basic medical care, Community outreach
Kids Alive Haiti School

A wonderful school serving 200 impoverished children from the slums of Cap Haitien. They are so poor, we also provide 3 meals a day (plus weekend food packages), as well as after school education support for those with no family to help them with their homework.

Dar el Awlad School
Family Support, Education, Trauma informed care, Basic medical care, Community outreach
Dar El Awlad School

This wonderful Christian school provides an education for 130 or so of Beirut’s most vulnerable and impoverished Syrian refugee children, including food, family support, trauma informed care, life skills and more. Many of the kids are years behind in their education having fled the war in Syria.

ANIJA School
Dominican Republic
Family Support, Education, Trauma informed care, Basic medical care, Community outreach
ANIJA School

Set in a rural mountainous region with especially high school drop out rates, extreme poverty and a high rate of teenage pregnancies, this school provides an excellent primary school education to 300 of the most vulnerable and a secondary school education to a further 150.

Palo Blanco School, Jarabacoa
Dominican Republic
Education, Trauma informed care, Independent living , Basic medical care, Community outreach
Palo Blanco School, Jarabacoa

A wonderful school serving about 300 impoverished and vulnerable children in the Jarabacoa region of Dominican, where poverty is especially bad, not to mention child marriage, violence against children, and high incidents of child labour.

Constanza School and Residential Centre
Dominican Republic
Family Support, Education, Trauma informed care, Family re-integration and fostering, Basic medical care, Community outreach
Residential Centre, School
Constanza School

A wonderful school serving about 210 vulnerable children in an extremely impoverished and mountainous region, along with a residential support centre, which houses children from heart-breaking circumstances, as we try to integrate them back into a loving family.

Park School and Care Centre, Caraballo
Dominican Republic
Family Support, Education, Trauma informed care, Basic medical care, Community outreach
School, Care Centre
Park School & Care Centre

This wonderful primary school offers an excellent education for nearly 200 impoverished children in a fragile region of extreme poverty and violence. 80% are Haitian immigrants, struggling to navigate life in a different country where they do not speak the language.

Santo Domingo East School
Dominican Republic
Education, Trauma informed care, Basic medical care, Community outreach
Santo Domingo East

A wonderful primary school for 160 of the region’s most impoverished and vulnerable children, with an after school sports programme serving 80 children. The school provides a range of holistic care, including free food, trauma informed care and counselling, basic medical care, and dental treatment.

Eva Russell School and Casa Monte Plata
Dominican Republic
Education, Trauma informed care, Family re-integration and fostering, Basic medical care
Residential Centre, School
Eva Russell School

A magnificent state-approved school serving 220 impoverished children in the middle eastern region of Dominican. The Monte Plata Centre cares for 40 abandoned and abused children as we try to reintegrate them back safely into their family or into foster care if this is not possible.

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