The four key goals for each child

The needs of the children we serve vary according to continent, country, community, and circumstances. But our team has identified four common goals for the children in our care across our organisation – ones that apply to all children no matter where they live or what kind of past they bring with them. We define those goals as…

Goal 1. To enjoy a vibrant, life-changing relationship with God

There is no higher goal than that of helping a hurting child to understand and experience the deep love of the Father and to trust Jesus as Saviour. This is the foundation on which we build, and we invest in this goal from the first day a child enters our care.

Goal 2. To experience emotional and physical well-being

Vulnerable children come to us with physical needs and deep emotional pain locked inside. Each of our programmes addresses the physical needs as we focus on emotional healing. You are helping us to make investments in professionals who have training in trauma-informed care and are dedicated to walking with a child to true healing.

Goal 3. To be equipped for a life of independence and service

We want to do more than heal a child’s hurts; we want to prepare and equip them for successful independence and the desire to serve family and community. Our kids receive life skills instruction, training in marketable skills, and connection with local churches for support and service.

Goal 4. To live in community, free of fear and violence

Too many of our kids live in communities that are not safe and do not have adequate resources to secure justice for children who are abused or exploited. Our professional teams seek to stand in this gap, working with community partners, local leadership, and government authorities to change the way they protect and support children.

It is thanks to your support that we can “run with perseverance” toward these goals, full hearted, with joy and courage to show every child how much they are treasured by our good Father.

“Write the vision;  make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time…” Habakkuk 2:2b-3a (ESV)

Posted on May 17th 2021

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