Gifts in wills

Making your life count - even when you're gone
A gift in your will (a legacy) is a fantastic and often tax-efficient opportunity for you to continue supporting the work of Kids Alive International International, in serving some of the world's most vulnerable and traumatised children.
Reducing Tax
As Kids Alive International International is a registered charity, no inheritance tax is payable on the amount of your gift. So in addition to helping more children have a better start in life, your legacy gift could also reduce the inheritance tax liability on your estate. Someone leaving a minimum 10% of their taxable estate to charity can qualify for a reduced rate, down from the current 40% of taxable wealth to 36%. Your legal advisor will be able to provide more details, and you can refer to
Making a statement
In this way, the same stewardship principles you follow in life can apply to the resources you leave behind. Your legacy tells those close to you about your values and the things that are important to you.
Pray about it
Please prayerfully consider your response to this important part of what it means to be a good steward of all that God has blessed us with.
It is reported that, in the UK, around two-thirds of adults do not have a will that decides who receives everything they own when they die. We may not know exactly when we're going to die, but we can make decisions NOW that could make a huge difference in the world once we're gone!
If you would like more information, please contact us
Would you like to talk to us about leaving a legacy?
If you've got any questions about our work, or would just like to talk about how you can leave a legacy, please fill out the short form below and we'll get in touch.