Sarah from Lebanon

Twelve-year-old Sarah* is enrolled in our Dar El Awlad School with her two sisters and brother. Sarah is a fun and lovely girl who loves her teachers and friends. When she was still a baby in Syria, a bomb hit their house and caused Sarah a problem with her eyes. Since then, Sarah has had trouble seeing, which has led to many challenges academically and socially.  At Kids Alive Lebanon, children are loved the way they are and are taught that they’re unique and accepted in the eyes of Jesus. Sarah loves to hear about Jesus and how He heals and saves those who are in need.  

When Sarah’s eye operation was covered by Kids Alive donors, Sarah experienced the faithfulness of the Lord and how He still cares, helps, and heals in unexpected ways today. As the operation was scheduled and about to become a reality, Sarah became worried and scared, but her friends at DEA encouraged her and asked to pray for her. And her teachers also surrounded her with prayer, encouragement, prayer and love. She never felt alone!  

At the hospital, she saw the love of Jesus through the many messages and Bible verses that her teachers and friends started sending her. Sarah’s eyesight has greatly improved! And another happy outcome of all this is that Sarah not only sees with her eyes, but also sees and feels the love of Jesus with her heart! 

After a successful operation, Sarah started to believe and trust more in Jesus, her Saviour and in the people who serve her. Now she’s more self-confident because she feels loved, and is able to build and enjoy her new friendships.  

Sarah’s health, schoolwork and her new relationship with God have given her a new beginning. All because of the loving care of our Kids Alive Lebanon staff. 

*Name changed to protect privacy

“…under his wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” Psalm 91:4b (NIV)

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