Yosaira Now Has a Reason to Smile!

Last week our programme in the Dominican Republic received a dental team that did amazing work in the community and saw 170 patients. 

The mouth of one young girl, Yosaira, was so bad that only a basic level of work could be done for her.  One of our staff said: “Yosaira’s mouth was so bad that as the dental assistant and dentist worked they both had tears running down their face in compassion for her.  Four of her teeth were pulled and several fillings were done on her remaining teeth in over four hours of work (see picture right, taken after this work was completed). The dentists wished they could do more.”

Fast forward two days.  Two of the dentists were stuck in the Dominican Republic because of Hurricane Sandy.  The same day, other visitors arrived from Canada.  One runs a dental company in Canada which makes dentures.  As they talked together they decided that, as a team, they could do more for Yosaira.

We were able to purchase the teeth, plaster, wax and other materials needed to make a set of dentures for Yosaira and the team began their work.  After two amazing days, they were able to prepare Yosaira’s mouth and construct the dentures to allow her to have a set of teeth.  And they saw a toothy smile, something that she has never had before!

Yoosaira is pictured (right) with her family. What a wonderful change we have seen in this young girl's life!

DONATE to our work in the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC and help a child like Yosaira!

Posted on November 2nd 2012

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