To Give Hope and a Future

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"
Jeremiah 29:11

Zambia has one of the highest orphans rates in the world, with over a recorded 1 million orphans. 54% of its population are living below the poverty line.

Ravaged by the AIDS/HIV pandemic, Zambia suffered economic hardship and thousands more children orphaned by the disease. Many children are forced to live with other family members, who themselves are living with the struggle of poverty. 

The cost of food means children are left vulnerable to hunger and exploitation.

Many are unable to attend school, as the cost of uniforms, stationary and schools fees are just extortionate to many of Zambia's poor population. 

Without access to a quality education, these children are trapped in an endless cycle of poverty, resulting in many of these children being highly vulnerable to child labour, abuse and forced early marriage.

Zambia's Potential 

Zambia is one of Africa's most politically stable countries. It's has one of the world's fastest growing economies, although it has slowed down since 2014. However, unemployment and underemployment are serious problems.

The country is in desperate need of teachers, health professionals and civil servants. But with the literary rate so low, it is difficult for those who are in extreme poverty to gain an education in order to break the on-going cycle of poverty. 

Our Response

To help respond to the huge number of orphaned and vulnerable children we opened two children's homes, located in the capital city of Lusaka.

In our two Chikondi Children’s Homes we care for 12 children who have been orphaned or abandoned. In 2013, we constructed the new children's village and took in our first boys.  We will eventually have up to four homes on land we have purchased at the edge of the city.

The children receive nutritious meals, a quality education and medical care. The children learn the love of Christ and are cared for by our house parents in the on-going battle to break these children, the next generation, out of the cycle of poverty. 

Betty's* Story

Betty* had experienced more loss than most children do in their whole lives before coming to our Chikondi Children’s Home. Her mother died when she was little, and her only surviving relative was her uncle she dearly loved. He suddenly became ill and died. 

Betty was left alone with only two cousins and found herself homeless and starving. She was just seven years old, starving, heartbroken and alone. 

There Was Hope

Someone had learned of Betty's situation and she was brought to us. Everything about her life has changed! She now has a safe place to live, nutritious meals and love and care from her caregivers.

She is excelling in school and is normally top of her class. Betty loves to help out with chores and is always smiling.

We can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for Betty. Her future is bright and full of opportunities! 

We wouldn't be able to help and guide children like Betty without your support, your care, your donations. Because of you we are able to carry on our work in Zambia and around the world. But we need your on-going support to break more children out of this cycle of poverty.

How To Help

In our shop, we sell the chickens, vegetables, excess electricity, and other household utilities to support our programme. All of these allow us to provide for the kids’ current needs while giving them hope for a brighter future.

In 2016 we started raising chickens, and the profits from selling them help us to be more self-sustaining in the village. We have two wells for water, including one that has a hand pump in case of a power outage.

To sponsor a child and change a life, click here:

DONATE and join with us in shaping the children of today. 

Everyday, lives are being tranformed because of your help. 

Thank you.

~The Kids Alive International Team 

*Name changed to protect privacy 

Posted on March 20th 2019

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