Rejoice in Hope

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." Romans 12:12
Kenya is home to nearly two million orphans.
Malnutrition and malaria plague hundreds of thousands of children. One million primary-aged children are not in school.
Extreme poverty means that over 25% of Kenyan children are in forced labour, often in dangerous situations.
Along with our partner charity Kids Alive, we care for over 400 children. Half of those are in residential care, living in family-style homes with loving house parents. We also reach out to community kids in many ways, through education, nutritious meals, medical care, and sharing the love of Christ.
Our Keeping Families Together Programme is continuously working towards strengthening families and communities.
The key priorities in this programme are;
Family preservation - keeping children with their birth families
Family reunification - safely and responsibly reuniting families separated by war, natural disasters, disease and other horrific situations.
Family expansion - finding permanent, loving families for children that are not able to live with their birth parents.
Residential care - preferably a short-term rehabilitative care to respond to emergency situations, or a child's special circumstances or needs.
Just a few years ago, more than half of the children in our care didn’t know who or where their relatives were. We’ve been able to reduce that to just 10 students, and our goal is for the number to soon be zero.
Our work in Kenya and across the globe is on-going, but we remain committed in our children, their families and their communities. Our ultimate goal is to bring hope into the lives of as many children as we can reach. To bring them care for their emotional, physical, spiritual and educational needs. We want to share with each child just how much Jesus loves them. We are able to continue with this because of your help!
Hall Mead School in Kenya, now almost 12 years old, offers education to 373 children. Hall Mead cares and provides education for children in our residential home, and also offers quality education to other children in the community who are in manual labour, normally the breadwinner for their entire family unit.
The children don't just receive education. They receive a good breakfast, lunch, school uniform, supplies and basic medical care. It can take some children two hours to walk to school, so we purchased a mini bus to help with transportation.

In everything we do, we pray that God will help us offer hope to these precious children, showing them how valuable they are.
We want to help children like Caroline*, who, two months before coming to Hall Mead, her single mother was found dead in a near by slum where they rented a tiny wooden house. She does have relatives to care for her, but her Aunt brought her by to Hall Mead for academic help.
She was heart broken, shy and had absolutely no confidence.
A few months on and the change in Caroline has been astounding! She is happy, always smiling, and eager to make friends. Her confidence is growing day-by-day, and she now knows she has endless opportunities ahead of her. Caroline has had a lot of tragedy in her short life, but she now knows there is hope in her future.
We pray that God will continue to provide for her needs and that she will come to love and trust in Christ.

Posted on March 8th 2019