As the conflict in Gaza edges closer, please pray for our work in Lebanon

As bombs explode right next to our project centre in the south of Lebanon, please can you continue to pray for our work there.

We would be so grateful for your continued prayers for our work with vulnerable Syrian refugee children and their families in Lebanon. In particular, for the children and our staff at our New Horizons centre further in the south.

Bombs have been landing literally right next to it, as you can see in the picture above (we work in the top story of the building highlighted). Please pray:

  • For safety for all of the children we serve, their families and our staff
  • For an end to the troubles in Gaza 
  • For continued blessing on our work in Lebanon, both at New Horizons and at our 'Dar el Awlad' project further north in Beirut.
  • In particular, our outreach activity with the mums and more recently, the dads as well.

Hopefulness despite the hopelessness 

Even amidst the most challenging circumstances, God's blessings continue to enrich our work in Lebanon, including our outreach activities with mothers.

This was evident in our recent "Couples' Night," which attracted an impressive gathering of 50 couples. They joined us to play games, listen to messages, and enjoy time together. It's often difficult to engage fathers, so their significant presence was very heartening.

It's remarkable that, in a place often overshadowed by despair, God is instilling light, hope, and joy in the lives of many.

We are truly grateful for your role in this through your unwavering prayers and support. Thank you!

"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light;

on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned." Isaiah 9: 2

Posted on June 14th 2024

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