Maria from the Dominican Republic

Meet Maria*

Maria and her friend, glow in their rented gala dresses as they prepare to celebrate their quinceanera, or 15th birthday, marking their arrival into womanhood. They giggled, feeling like princesses, enjoying the new, dignified lives they discovered in Christ. One of the girls, Maria, never dreamed this day would come.

As a toddler, Maria lived in circumstances that exposed her to danger. She found refuge at Ark Jarabacoa, Kids Alive Dominican Republic's oldest and largest residential facility. Maria spent many years at Ark Jarabacoa, experiencing God's love through different ways which led her to rediscover her identity in Christ. Meanwhile, we began looking for a permanent family for Maria. Thankfully, through the efforts of our house parents, therapists, and social workers, Maria is reunited with her mother in a loving, safe environment.

Maria's 15th birthday celebration at Ark Jarabacoa was a truly joyful occasion. Surrounded by her loving mother, stepfather, and other children and families whose lives had been touched by the ministry, the atmosphere was filled with gratitude. Throughout the night, testimonies poured in, with one particularly moving story from Maria’s own mother. Overwhelmed with tears of joy, she struggled to find the words to express her deep gratitude for the ministry's transformative care for both her and her daughter. This impactful event highlighted the profound impact that Kids Alive had in restoring hope and happiness to their lives. 

*Name changed to protect privacy

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