John from Zambia

John boasts of having learned a lot academically and spiritually while at Kids Alive, and this was mostly through the lessons provided by the house parents and friends. For this he remains eternally grateful, as the knowledge he acquired over the years is what he now applies in his day-to-day business. 

During his stay in our residential home, life was not always smooth. Sometimes he would pick quarrels and provoke trouble with friends and staff. However, these misunderstandings proved to be helpful for John, helping him know how to handle life’s hurdles, and practically live out his relationship with Jesus.  

As a result of John’s love for Christ, he started a church for children and neighbours in the area. This church, though still in its infant stage, is growing by leaps and bounds. Programmes and activities are geared to children, and  they love coming, all the while learning more of what it means to follow Jesus.

“I was privileged to learn. I too should give an opportunity to others to learn and live a good life,” John said.

He has also opened a community library and night school for adults, age 25 and above, for those who did not have access to education growing up. He’s already hired two teaching staff for the 100+ students enrolled.

“I was privileged to learn. I too should give an opportunity to others to learn and live a good life,” John said.

Not only is John reaching out to his community, but he is providing for his parents and siblings. This young man imitates Christ’s example, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition…Rather, in humility value others above yourselves…looking to the interests of others.” Phil 2:4 (NIV) 

“…under his wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” Psalm 91:4b (NIV)

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