John from Kenya

Meet John*

It has been a long journey for John*, a very polite boy who has since accepted Jesus into his life. John developed a complex developmental issue following complications during birth. After his younger sister was born, their mother’s health declined, and John was caring for his mother and young sister. Sadly, they lost their mother, and with no caregiver, John worked menial jobs to feed himself and his sister. They slept in any open space, and their safety was at high risk.

John and his sister’s case was brought to our attention by the local administration in November of 2021. We enrolled both John and his sister to Kids Alive Hall Mead school and identified a temporary facility for them to live and receive care, including therapy and food. Additionally, a search for their relatives was initiated straight away.

In April 2022, we reunited the two children with their father although the family was in need of housing. With the support of community partners, Kids Alive Kenya helped secure housing for the family so they could live together. Therapy continues to be provided to both children as well as their father to help them find healing, reconciliation, and forgiveness. John has invited Jesus into his heart and life and is growing spiritually with the help of his teachers. Starting in January 2023, his family will begin participating in a spiritual mentorship programme with the support of Kids Alive and a local church.

At the time of enrolment, John was fearful of everything and was significantly behind his peers academically. He has transformed physically as he has gained weight and made friends at school. He is now able to pay attention in class, but we notice that he still carries some responsibility attitude with him. Our prayer for John and his family is that they may find healing, forgiveness, love, and growth as a family. We know that we are not done supporting John and his family yet, but plans are underway to support their father begin an income generating activity so that he can sustainably feed his family, and gain confidence in doing the same, long term.

*Name changed for privacy.

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