Ester from Guatemala

Meet Ester*

Ester is a young girl who suffered horrible abuse, circumstances that brought her to Kids Alive Guatemala's Oasis home. At first, she was quiet and shy, as expected of a child who suffered as she did.

Ester was transformed as she journeyed through our programmes. She was hungry for truth, asking us to teach her more about God, so our spiritual formation coordinator spent some one-on-one time with her each month. The once shy girl was now carrying her Bible, participating in student leadership team devotionals, and sharing her faith with other girls in her house, one of whom asked Ester to teach her the Bible personally.

Meanwhile, her court case came up. Ester, empowered by her faith, testified boldly in court against her perpetrator.

Today, Ester lives with her new, adoptive, loving family. Two weeks before she left Oasis, Ester preached to the girls during a weekly devotional on Proverbs. She left us confident, filled with the faith, and unafraid to use her voice to point others to God.

*Name changed to protect privacy

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