Zambia Abandoned Children Appeal

Help us give hope to children who are being abandoned by their impoverished families. 

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Zambia Abandoned Children Appeal

As a terrible drought causes havoc in Zambia, more and more children are being abandoned by their impoverished families, including 13-year-old Musa*. Your donation will be used to support our work with abandoned children like Musa pictured below.

For example, a gift of only £27 can help us to buy Musa a new set of clothes. Musa had already lost her mother when her father abandoned her and her three younger siblings. Living in a dilapidated shack with no beds or even blankets, Musa was forced to beg to earn some money for them.

No school. No education. No life. And hardly any food. Emaciated and traumatised, Musa was fortunately referred to the authorities by a kindly neighbour, who in turn asked if we could help.*(Name changed to protect privacy)

Drawn and frail, Musa was welcomed with love and kindness by our team at our Lilato Centre in the impoverished Western Province of Zambia. But she was so traumatised, she would not open up or even join in with any activities, including devotions. As she received a lot of love, prayer, trauma counselling and more, she slowly but surely became happier and healthier.

As the months went by, she even started participating in activities and opening up. Eventually we were able to enrol her in our Kids Alive Academy School. Initially way behind with her education, she is now thriving and academically on a par with her classmates, albeit she is older than many of them. Her favourite subjects are English, Science and Maths and she also enjoys netball and drama.

Musa has also become a Christian and now doesn’t have the fears she used too “I felt loved and relieved the first day I was admitted into Lilato Centre in that everything that I needed was provided to me on the same day”. 

Musa still struggles with low self-esteem, which she is working through with our counselling team. We are also working hard to integrate her back into a loving family along with her siblings. 

Musa is just one of many being referred to us at this difficult time for all of Zambia. It breaks our hearts to turn any abandoned children away. Your support – no matter how large or small – can help us to take the most difficult cases on.

The President of Zambia has declared a national emergency caused by drought. More and more desperate families are abandoning their children.

Musa is just one of many being referred to us at this difficult time for all of Zambia. It breaks our hearts to turn any abandoned children away.

Your support, no matter how large or small, can help us care for Musa and dozens like her, as we look to get them back into loving families. 

It’s amazing how far your donations can go to support abandoned children in Zambia. Here are some examples of what your donation can do.

If you give £27

£27 provides a new set of clothes for an abandoned child

As you can imagine, children come to us in a terrible state. Your donation will enable us to buy them a new set of shoes and clothes. This also has a positive impact on their self-esteem.

Donate here

If you give £57

£57 provides a new school uniform and school supplies

Getting an abandoned child’s education back on track is a key priority for us. Your donation willenable us to fund a school uniform, text books and backpack to give them a kickstart.

Donate here

If you give £82

£82 provides food for six months

A donation of only £82 is enough to feed an abandoned child in our care for an incredible 6 months. All healthy stuff too – there’s not a chicken nugget in sight!

Donate here

What is going on in Zambia?

A prolonged drought in Zambia has caused havoc in many regions, culminating in the President declaring a national emergency. Rural areas are especially affected, resulting in some impoverished families actually abandoning their children so they have one less mouth to feed.

The drought has even affected electricity supplies with 15 hours a day blackouts now being commonplace (Zambia is very reliant on hydropower for its electricity). 

Please pray for rain and for this terrible drought to come to an end.

 “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.” Proverbs 31: 8

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