Sponsor Mwangala through school in one of Zambia's poorest regions
Sponsor Mwangala through school in one of Zambia's poorest regions
Mwangala is a 5-year-old girl who is a student at our Kids Alive Academy. She loves to sing, draw and swim and her favourite subject at school is maths. Her favourite colours are green and red and when she grows up she would love to be a teacher. Your sponsorship will enable her to continue at our school and help support her incredibly poor family. For privacy reasons we have blurred this image of Mwangala but we will provide a clear photo should you decide to sponsor her.
Why Mwangala needs you to sponsor her

Mwangala is from one of Zambia's poorest rural regions called Mongu. Every day is a struggle to find food, with many vulnerable children having no choice but to work to be fed, or be married off if a girl. Many kids have lost at least one parent in this HIV-ridden area.

Girls are particularly vulnerable with only about 25% going on to complete their education. 31% are married by age 18 and 59% have had a child by age 19. And a staggering 43% of girls aged 13-17 have experienced one or more forms of violence.
This really is one of the world's worst places for Mwangala be raised in.
How your sponsorship will transform Mwangala's life

Your sponsorship will fund Mwangala’s entire education at our Kids Alive Academy, including free food, trauma counselling and family support. All in a loving Christian environment with daily devotions, Bible studies and prayer.

You will receive twice yearly updates about Mwangala and you can send her messages, especially on her birthday and at Christmas (research has shown that children with sponsors tend to do better due to an increased sense of self-worth and general wellbeing).

Thank you for sponsoring one of the world's most vulnerable children!