Lebanon Crisis Appeal

Help us provide essential supplies, bedding and food to displaced children and families who have fled their homes in fear in Lebanon. 

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Lebanon Crisis Appeal

Urgent appeal for displaced families in Beirut, Lebanon

As you are no doubt aware, tens of thousands of families have been displaced in Lebanon, with many having made their way to Beirut, where our ‘Dar el Awlad’ Centre is based. 

We are asking if you would kindly consider giving towards our appeal so you can enable us to provide essential supplies, love and care to many of the families who are literally on our doorsteps. 

Families are asking us if we can provide underwear, nappies, food and blankets, as they were simply unable to carry very much when they fled their homes. It is easy for us to get these to the families, as our Centre is close to them. We just need your support to fund the items.

Any donation small or large will help us support displaced families near our Dar El Awlad Centre in Beirut. Here are some examples of what your donation can do.

If you give £20

£20 provides a mattress or blankets for displaced families

A gift of only £20 can buy a mattress or blanket for someone to prevent them having to sleep on a hard pavement or school hall floor

Donate here

If you give £50

£50 provides 10 packs of nappies or a week of food for a displaced family

Families are fleeing their homes in fear and don't have time to gather the essentials. Your donation will enable us to provide food for a family for a week or nappies for babies and toddlers.

Donate here

If you give £100

£100 provides essential supplies for displaced families

Your gift of £100 will allow our team to buy essential unexpected supplies to families such as head lice shampoo, clothing and toiletries. Or it would help fund organised activities for displaced families.

Donate here

Those who have made it into one of the crammed school halls get a free meal a day from the authorities but go hungry for the rest of it. We urgently want to provide them with supplies of non-perishable foods such as tins of fish or beans, so their stomachs don’t go empty. 

Many displaced families are in the suburb where we are located because it is a relatively safe Christian district in the east of the city. We have been able to see for ourselves just how difficult life is for them, especially those who have young children. 

If funds allow, we would also like to put on some events for cooped-up children and their mums, so they can take part in fun Christian activities, release some energy, and receive free food, prayer and a lot of love.

Many of the displaced children show signs of stress and trauma, which is hardly surprising given all they are going through. It’s all made worse by the sheer noise of the bombs going off in Beirut, more often than not during the night when it is even more frightening for them.

Your gift of £70 will help us tremendously to host Family Events where we provide special mental health classes and guidance. 

I don’t want to die!”.  These were the words of one of the young boys staying with us at Dar el Awlad during a recent bomb raid in the middle of the night. Absolutely heart-breaking. 

Your support will enable us to provide urgent mental health care to traumatised children, including mental health awareness and guidance, as we go into the school halls where so many are staying. 

Imagine living on the streets indefinitely, sitting or lying outdoors trying to get as comfortable as they can. It’s not much better in the crowded schools where many displaced families have been settled.

The school halls are so dirty and smelly” said our Lebanon Country Director, Denise Dagher when she visited one of them recently.

“Imagine 1,000 people sharing the same few toilets and sinks. One of the schools has had an outbreak of head lice – they have asked us if we can get some lice shampoo.”

Denise added, “There are some entire families who have fled their homes in the south and are now staying with relatives in Beirut, sometimes as many as 30 in the same small apartment.

I feel so bad for them all." 

Even the smallest thing can make a difference for their lives. A mattress. A blanket. Some tins of food. A prayer. A smile. Signs of kindness.

Thank you for your kindness and compassion.

Please donate today

 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you…” Isaiah 41:10

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