Independent Living Programme
Independent Living Programme
Being orphaned or from an impoverished background is difficult enough, but trying to get through university without any meaningful family support is nigh on impossible. This excellent programme provides mentorship and practical support for some of the brightest young adults who have been in our care.
Our Independent Living Programme is designed to help children who have been in our care to attend further education once they have completed their main schooling; and in some cases, to attend vocational training. In Kenya, university places are available and the government will pay a large percentage of the fees, but not all of them. Nor are there grants to help fund living costs and course-related expenses such as books and materials.
As most of our children do not have any families and therefore no additional financial support, further education can be a struggle for many of the children who have been in our care.
Our Independent Living Programme provides funds for these students, empowering them to have a further education that can open up a whole new world for them. We work closely with the students and will have identified those who have the potential to get a degree.
Our staff get alongside these students and help them manage their lives during their further education, including money and possible part-time work.
We also provide an initial week-long life skills course for all of our ‘graduating’ residential children when they finish their main high school education. This takes them through crucial aspects of life such as managing money, the importance of hard work, possible careers to follow, etc, all biblically based.
Our Independent Living Programme has seen a number of young adults start off successful careers – teachers, doctors, a beautician, a baker, even a professional volleyball player – all testimony to a loving God who rescued them from the streets at a young age.

Independent Living Programme: A story of hope
Meet Joshua (name changed to protect privacy)
Joshua was living in one room with his Mum, two brothers and two sisters in a slum area in the local town. His Mum died when he was about 5 years old and he was left on the streets to survive as best could. His oldest brother was found by Kids Alive and he told them about his younger brothers, who were eventually found and brought up in one of our residential centres.
Joshua did well in High School and went on to University to study Mechanical Engineering. He got a good degree but work was hard to find. He worked very hard for one company but the rewards were very small, so he started venturing out on his own. Firstly, he worked with a friend to make solar panels for heating water, and then moved on into growing organic fruit and vegetables which he sold at a local farmers’ market, both ventures proving to be successful. He then started his own shop, which is going very well, with Joshua continually developing it.
He knows that all he has is because God has cared for him and is so thankful.