Dar El Awlad Residential Centre


Dar El Awlad Residential Centre

Cares for about 35 of the most vulnerable Syrian refugee children in Lebanon, mainly those who have either been abandoned or have lost their parents as they fled from the war. The children are certainly well cared for – including trauma informed care, food, trauma counselling, a lot of love and spiritual input, with all of them attending the Dar el Awlad school.

“Dar El Awlad” means “The Children’s Home” in Arabic and provides residential support for about 35 vulnerable children who have been abandoned or lost their parents. They come from some really difficult situations, most traumatised and years behind with their education. 

The children are cared for by three dedicated house parents who work to create a family-style atmosphere. In addition to attending school, our children learn proper personal hygiene, participate in Bible studies, and receive counselling for emotional trauma. In the community, many of these kids would be without rights or importance, so part of our mission is to show them that they have inherent value.

In all cases, we aim to reintegrate the children back into the local community and find a ‘forever home’ for them.

Oasis Care Centre: A story of hope

Meet David (name changed to protect privacy)

When David first came to Dar El Awlad home in 2019, he was shy, thin, and very sensitive. He is the child of an Ethiopian mother and Syrian father, but his father left before he was born. Without resources to adequately provide for her son, his mother was living in one room with 10 other women, where David didn’t have a bed. He didn’t play with other children or even go outside much, a terrible life for a six-year old boy. Eventually, we were alerted to the desperate circumstances and accepted him into our home.

It took some time for him to adjust to being around other children, sleeping in his own bed, and playing games outside. Being in the classroom was also difficult for him at first, as he struggled to focus. Over time and with consistent care, David is doing much better socially, academically, and emotionally. We were recently able to obtain his official identity papers, which will allow him to receive a school certificate every year. Healing doesn’t happen quickly, but we are committed to walking this journey with him, showing him that there is hope for the future.

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