Adamu from Kenya

In his own words...  

         (a conversation with Adamu*)

Adamu’s story begins with a hard loss. His mother, who was raising him on her own, died when he was very young, leaving him to live in an unhealthy home with extended family. At the tender age of five, Adamu came to Kids Alive Kenya. That was the beginning of a new life for him.  

Q – What do you remember about growing up in Kids Alive Kenya? 
Adamu – “I remember being provided with all my meals every day. I remember having my own bed. I loved sleeping on the top bunk. I remember being told about Jesus in our daily devotions. I remember doing homework and never worrying about not having books or pencils.”  

Q – What can you say was a memorable thing/moment/person at Kids Alive Kenya? Adamu (laughing)– “I stammer a lot, maybe like Moses, and some people like to make fun of me. But at Kids Alive, I felt always loved and accepted. The staff at Kids Alive always believed in all of us. They always used to tell us that we are loved by God, equally, no matter where we are. They told us we can achieve what we dream of.”  

“I know God has a lot in store for me.”

“One day, I was encouraged with the message that ‘I am university material,’ and I decided right then to work hard to go to university. I am so happy the Kids Alive team never gave up on us! To be honest, sometimes we were naughty, but they showed us forgiveness. They believed in us, all of them believed in us.”  

It turns out Adamu was a promising student. In fact, Adamu did very well! His national grade eight examination was a success and he proceeded to grade nine. Quite a hurdle for the little boy who had come to us years earlier. Adamu kept his dream of attending university alive, and after he completed grade 12 with high marks, he enrolled in a local public university in Kenya where he is currently pursuing a degree in accounting.  

Q – What would you say about your future?  

Adamu – “I want to grow the way I was taught to be. I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour. He is the Perfector of my faith. He is my conqueror. I am a winner. I want to live for Him. I want to graduate and become an accountant that serves God with utmost integrity. During the holidays, when I come back to my community, I do a lot of volunteer outreach activities, talking to other kids about Jesus and encouraging them to stay focused in their schoolwork, to obey their parents, and be obedient to them always. I also serve in the Christian Union at our university and play the guitar.”  

“I know God has a lot in store for me.”

 *name changed to protect privacy

"Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established" Proverbs 16:3

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