The explosion in Lebanon

Thank you to all of you who have expressed concern about the impact of the explosion in Beirut and whether our projects have been affected, especially the Dar El Awlad School and Home.

We are pleased to say that as we are located a reasonable distance from the explosion, we have not been directly impacted.

 Praise God!

That said, some members of the families we serve were injured from the glass, including this mother (pictured below) who was at work when it happened. Fortunately, it was not as serious as it looks and none of our contacts have been badly injured, but they are scared and tired.

"Please keep our country in your prayers. I feel like Jeremiah right now, praying to our Lord for our country and our people. Many Lebanese families have lost dear loved ones - mothers, friends and other family members. We have damaged churches and buildings. Please pray that God will bring peace to our heart in the middle of all that."

Denise Dagher, Kids Alive Country Director, Lebanon

“Oh, that my head were a spring of water and my eyes a fountain of tears! I would weep day and night for the slain of my people.” Jeremiah 9:1.

Posted on August 5th 2020

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