Some wonderful news from Lebanon

At our Lebanon webinar update in November 2020, we were told about this lovely young lady, Maria*, who attends our Dar el Awlad school. As a result of being dropped as a baby when a bomb went off near her house, she had been told that she would lose here eyesight in the next few years.
Our staff had been praying with her very distraught mother – an impoverished Syrian refugee - who had told them that Maria would go blind unless she had an operation (Maria’s condition had been caused when she was a baby in war-torn Syria, when a bomb exploded near her house causing her to be hurled across the room).
There was no way her mother could afford the operation and was completely beside herself.
But Praise God, a wonderfully generous supporter in the UK heard of her plight at the webinar and has kindly offered to pay for it! Maria and her mother were absolutely thrilled to hear the news, in what was an extremely emotional conversation!
Please continue to pray for her as we all wait for lockdown restrictions to ease so she can have the operation. Thank you!
* Name changed to protect privacy
Posted on February 17th 2021