A celebration at Kids Alive Guatemala as five girls from our Oasis Residential Programme make the decision to be baptised.

Watch our inspiring two minute video as five young girls from our Oasis Residential Programme recently took a step of faith in their relationship with God and were baptised.

Physical and sexual abuse is rampant in Guatemala, and few perpetrators are brought to justice. Many children, mostly young girls, are at risk for dangerous child labour and forced prostitution. And hundreds of thousands of school-aged children are not in school at all. The needs here are staggering.

Our work here in Guatemala centres around serving young girls, referred to us by the local courts, who have been victims of sexual abuse, quite often in their own homes. Once in our care, we work closely with them and the justice system to help them heal and ultimately reintegrate them back into the local community. In some cases we help them to care for their children if they have become pregnant.

"For all of you who were baptised in Christ have clothed yourself with Christ" Galatians 3:27

Posted on June 28th 2023

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