The Lighthouse Family Centre
The Lighthouse Family Centre
A remarkable project supporting extremely vulnerable children and their families in a jungle community, where violence against children and women is especially bad.
The Lighthouse Family Centre serves children and families in an impoverished jungle community outside of Pucallpa. Abuse and trauma in families is common in Pucallpa, and our goal is to prevent this and help families break out of negative cycles and move toward healthy relationships.
As with all of our Care Centres, we offer some of the community’s most vulnerable children additional educational support, nutritious food, sports, life skills programmes and trauma informed counselling.
There is also a group for parents of the children we work with so they are exposed to some of the teaching that their kids hear during the week. After the teaching time, men and women go to separate groups for discipleship and skills training. Currently this includes sewing and baking projects to earn a livelihood and break the poverty cycle.
We have even formed a partnership with a local health centre, which now provides psychological and dental services to our kids.
The Lighthouse Project also works hard to pursue justice for victims, while simultaneously influencing authorities and key legal players on how to manage child abuse cases. We also work with local churches, schools, communities and authorities to raise awareness about child violence, while training many of them, e.g. in trauma care and violence prevention strategies.
Our vision is that this troubled region is free from fear and violence, with Godly family values in even the most difficult areas.

The Lighthouse Family Centre: A story of hope
Meet Juan (name changed to protect privacy)
Juan started coming to the Lighthouse Family Centre when he was seven years old. His community is poverty stricken, which means many children go hungry and are neglected. Because of Kids Alive, Juan had access to academic support, healthy food, and Bible teaching. Now he is 16, recently graduated second in his school class, and was selected to receive a government scholarship for higher education.
He faithfully attends church, and he serves his church family by cleaning the auditorium. For several years, Juan has participated in Arbol International’s initiative to raise and care for chickens on the Family Centre property, which has taught him both discipline and a trade that will be useful for generating income in the future.
We are very proud of this young man whose life has been transformed, and we look forward to watching him walk confidently into his future.