Simba Scholars


Simba Scholars

Through the provision of scholarships, this excellent programme enables 70 extremely vulnerable children in western Kenya to break the poverty cycle by helping fund support for their education. It also impacts their families and wider communities.

Located in a poor region in the very west of Kenya, our Simba Scholars programme raises some of the region’s most vulnerable children out of poverty by providing a quality Christian education for them. Through the avenue of sponsorship, Simba offers scholarships to nearly 70 needy Kenyan students who, without intervention, would lack the opportunity and tools to experience academic success.

Expanding educational opportunities for disadvantaged children doesn’t just help make their dreams come true – it creates tremendous impact and influence on the communities and ethnic groups these kids call home. The Simba Scholars programme challenges participants to give back to their schools, communities, and country, “paying forward” the same opportunities for others.

As we continue this important work, we want to see our children perform well academically, but we also pray for ways to empower our sponsored families to escape poverty. We trust God to reap good fruit from every seed we plant in these precious lives.

Simba Scholars: A story of hope

Joseph’s story (name changed to protect privacy)

Many children we encounter have the potential and willingness to break out of a cycle of poverty but haven’t been given the tools to do so. Joseph is one such kid. He is the youngest in his family and they struggle to simply survive. His parents rely on income from menial jobs, making education costs for their children prohibitive.

The Simba Scholars Programme gave Joseph the chance to receive a good education and training for the future. He is a bright boy, and now that he has completed primary and high school, he is preparing to attend university in a few months. While we are thrilled at his academic success,

we rejoice even more that he loves the Lord with all his heart and desires to follow Him every step of the way.

This is why our work and the generosity of our sponsors is so important! Joseph’s life was changed and he can now look to the future with hope.

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