Freedom from fear and violence (all Peru projects)


Freedom from fear and violence (all Peru projects)

At the heart of our work in Peru are projects that help prevent violence against children and women in three hotspot regions.

For various cultural and social reasons, violence against children and women is a real issue throughout Peru, especially in geographically isolated areas, where there is often negligible infrastructure or desire to pursue justice for victims.

Our work focusses on giving love and care to victims in three geographical areas, while working with networks of partners, churches and authorities to change attitudes and systems so that children can be better protected. This includes the slums of Lima, a jungle region of the Amazon called Pucallpa, and Andahuaylas, a remote part of the Andes.

In each of the three regions we have family centres which we use as a base to do this, holding workshops, events, meetings with authorities, etc, so that vulnerable children are better protected in each region.

In Pucallpa and Manchay we have a range of family strengthening initiatives, including livelihood training for vulnerable women and victims in baking, sewing and other activities. The women and their children also receive trauma care, friendship and counselling, as well as being introduced to local churches if they so wish.

The centres are supported by residential programmes for the more vulnerable children who come to us for a season while we seek to reintegrate them back into a family.

Our team in Peru is particularly good at training and influencing authorities in strengthening legal systems and processes involving victims of child sexual abuse. In Pucallpa, for example, we have recently built a special centre where child victims of sexual assault can give evidence in child-friendly conditions, as well as trained dozens of key players in the legal system.

Our vision is for there to be complete freedom from fear and violence for children throughout Peru.

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